Each reporter at LonWHO 2018 was expected to produce one press statement before arriving at simulation. This statement highlighted how their media organization plans to cover the events at LonWHO, how they will explore the conference theme, how they will ensure that they are communicating clearly to their audience the “facts” and how they will encourage “transparency” around delegate procedures and negotiations.
The best press statement selected at LonWHO 2018 was from Reuters News agency. All media statements can be found below:
BBC – Statement on Covering the London Model WHO Simulation
CNN – Statement on Covering the London Model WHO Simulation
NDTV – Statement on London Model WHO Simulation 2018
New York Times – Statement Covering LONDON World Health Organization Simulation – “Improving the Health of Women, Children, and Adolescents”
The Guardian – Statement on Covering the London Model WHO Simulation
Some media outlets also produced press releases and videos to provide additional coverage of the event during the first day of the conference:
The Guardian:
Article 1- UK Finds Its Voice at LonWHO2018
Video 1: The Guardian Interviews UK’s representative at LonWHO 2018
Video 2: The Guardian interviews Canada’s representative at LonWHO 2018
Additional coverage from these organizations can be viewed by visiting @LonWHO on Twitter or reviewing the hashtags: #LonWHO2018 #WCAHealth #LonWHO across social media.